My artbook ON THE OTHER SIDE - AUF DER ANDEREN SEITE is now available at Haus Nostromo

 Published in 2020, limited edition (200) hardcover, it is a collectors item for seekers with an interest in esoteric art and poetry.


Haus Nostromo is an emporium for the Sublime inspired by the Wunderkammer of old. Purveyor of Gothic Art, Books, Romanticism,

Tarot, Folklore, Dark Music, and DIY Spirit. 



Betrete eine Welt jenseits von Raum und Zeit, wo die Magie der Wörter dazu dient, Geheimnisse der Seele zu lüften. Eine zyklische Geschichte erzählt von Lebenserfahrungen und Traumleben, vom Überwinden emotionaler Verzweiflung und Entfremdung. Sie führt in die Tiefe der Dunkelheit und hinauf zum Sternenlicht... Eine fortwährende Suche nach Erkenntnis, Seelenrückführung und menschlichem Überleben...


Enter a world beyond space and time, where the magic of words serves to unlock secrets of the soul. A cyclical story recounts life experiences and dream life, overcoming emotional despair and alienation. This journey delves the depths of darkness and reaches for starlight... A quest for knowledge, soul retrieval and human survival is unfolding.




is a bi-lingual book which includes some of my drawings from 1995-2011. Telling a cyclical tale, it was originally designed in 2011 as a handmade leporello that can be read from front to back and vice versa. I liked the idea to encourage the reader to view the story in a different way, to discover an intuitive reading by opening the pages at random.*

Aspects of dream work, female identity and psychoanalytic ideas of the double are woven together to explore and interpret possibilities of femininity. The drawings mirror my specific interest in Ancient Egyptian art, the iconography of sacred codes, metaphors...

I search for a holistic poetic vocabulary.



The ancient Egyptian Book Coming Forth by Day, also known as Book of the Dead is a model attempt to encode timeless wisdom and served as an inspiration.

A very personal story of transformation and overcoming individual crisis is told, only to realize - it is the Heros journey and everyones story...


Like spells,

drawings and words describe an emotional or spiritual state of being.Drawing and writing, and subsequently the experience of reading, act as witness and catalysts of change, expressing new personal knowledge. Contemplation leads to transformation. Words and images are recognized as instruments of creation.

Mystery and magic symbols are used not merely as decorative poetic devices but play role in a symbolic structure to tell a story for all who seek.


©Simi Ninati 2020